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communauté francophone sur le Forex
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Semaphor...Trop beau pour être vrai ?
pas grave , envoyé -
A priori mon fisher est plus adapté, il prévient mieux des faux signaux d'après ce que je vois...pourquoi je sais pas c'est peut être le mien qui repeint pas lol -
dsl forexme , c le seul fisher m11 que j'ai trouvé ! -
Ne t'excuse pas c'est très gentil à toi et puis on est tous la pour s'entraider ! -
Encore une personne qui croit a l indicateur magique pour devenir millionaire .......
AH AH AH AH AH......
Le fischer repeint également, c'est normal qu'il te paraisse très bon. -
magnifique cet ea quick trailing !
il ma prit en court la descente du gbp/usd en m5 au moment de l'evenement ! :) -
existerai il un manuel en pdf pour l'utilisation en detail de l'ea quick trailing de quicksilver ? -
This EA has three separate functions: Set Breakeven, Trailing Stop and Scaling Out.
* Works on 4 and 5 digits Broker.
* Works on ECN Brokers.
* Magic number auto-created internally. Works in differents pairs without interfere others EA.
* Switch ON/OFF for each function independently.
* Customizable percent for Scaling Out.
Quik_Trailing automatically adapts to 4 and 5 digits brokers. It works on all MT4 brokers.
New options
ShowInfo. Set it to false, allows turn all the text off, but it still runs in the background.
AlertSound. Set it to true, emits a sound when First TakeProfit is hit.
AccountIsMicro. Set it to True, develops calculations in Lot Size using 2 digits for First TakeProfit percent. Set it to False, for use 1 digit in Lot Size calculations for First TakeProfit percent.
Account Type
* If you account is micro set AccountIsMicro = true.
* If you account is mini or standard set AccountIsMicro = false.
Scaling out
First TakeProfit Percent is for "scaling out".
Ie, close to 70% (or whatever) of the position and let the rest go on.
If you open a position of 1 Lot, the EA closes 0.7 Lots and keeps open on market the remaining 0.3 Lots.
IE if you work with 0.04, 70% will be rounded to a 0.03.
If you do not want to use this feature, just turn off.
Use this function for "trailing" the stoploss when Start_Trailing_At pips profit is reached.
TrailingStep is the amount of pips that will be used to move the Stoploss.
If you use 5, the stoploss will move 5 pips for each 5 pips that the price move in profits, after that Start_Trailing_At pips profit is reached.
Use this function for lock profits.
LockPips is the number of pips -with respect to entry point- in which the EA will put the stoploss when Set_BreakevenAt is reached.
Magic Number
Quik_Trailing works with trades using magic number = 0. (Manual Trades)
This means you can have multiples Trades opened on the same and/or different pairs, set-up the parameters different for the different charts, and place trades with different stops and TP's depending on which chart/TF/pair you have a signal and that the EA's WON'T interfere with each other or others EA's.
New Version (10/2009)
Added Auto SL & TP based on ATR calculations.
Furthermore, now using new option Allow_Drag_PriceLines (by default true) you can:
Change Price for StopLoss, TakeProfit and Stop & Limit orders, directly from the chart.
What ? Are you playing with me ? Come guy... just enjoy it. 8-)
Just make double click on the line and later "Drag" the line Up or Down to change the price. ;)
You just need to manually open the trade and Quik_Trailing will do the rest.
ok merci je vai voir ca ! -
Peux tu passer par la section "présentation des traders" stp?
Merci d'avance -
je m'en vais de suite corriger l'oubli.
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