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Nouvel Expert Advisor Parabolic SAR

  • 12jojo — en réponse à Lu-K dans son message #81094

    Salut a tous
    Je suis un debutant dans le trading et j'apprend
    premiement en observant le parabolic sar j'ai remarquer que les signaux a la montE etait plus efficace que celle a la descende
    s et plus digne de confiance EUR/USDj'aimerai savoir si je me trompe
    Deuxiement quelles sont les devices paires qui marche le bien avec le parabolic Sar
    Troisiemenet quel est le bon moment pour l'utiliser quel marchE Usa, Europe ou Asia
    Thank you
    Sorry for my spelling
    Modifié le 2014-10-15 17:38:09 par 12jojo
  • assales

    t'as mis 3 indicateur , deux donne des même signaux , la courbe violette est un peu trop proche des bougies elle induit en l'erreur a mon avis . ;)
  • assales

    assales a joint une image
  • czar5 — en réponse à Lu-K dans son message #81094

    comment faire pour avoir l'EA SAR Parabolic?
  • lefeuvr3

    J'ai ce modèle la en stock
    Je pense qu'il peut être amélioré pour trader avec un captial moins important (3000)
    cela fait longtemps que les paramètres n'ont pas été optimisés ….on devrait avoir mieux .
    Quand j'aurai le temps ,j' ouvrirai le capot pour voir le moteur !

    //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| MTF rsi_sar.mq4 | //| Copyright © 2011, StarLimit Software Corp. | //| [email protected] | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2011, StarLimit Software Corp." #property link "[email protected]" //+------------------------------------------------- //---- AS AT 17TH MAY 2011 extern bool Long_Short= true,Long_Only=false,Short_Only=false; extern bool Auto_Disable_EA=true; extern bool use_daily_target=false; extern double TakeProfit = 110; extern bool use_bb=true,use_rsi = true,use_sar=true; extern int rsi_per=0; extern int PRICE_TYPE=5; extern double step=0.03,maximum=0.4; extern double Lots = 0.01; extern double InitialStop = 0; extern double TrailingStop = 50; extern int MaxTrades = 5000; extern int Pips = 100; extern int SecureProfit = 100; int AccountProtection = 1; extern int OrderstoProtect = 6; int ReverseCondition = 0; extern double EURUSDPipValue = 10; extern double GBPUSDPipValue = 10; extern double USDCHFPipValue = 10; extern double USDJPYPipValue = 9.715; int magic = 222; extern int bb_period=20; extern int bb_deviation=2; extern int bb_shift=0; extern int StartHour = 10; extern int EndHour = 17; int mm = 0; int risk = 12; int AccountisNormal = 0; extern double LotFactor=10; //lotsize factor int OpenOrders = 0, cnt = 0; int slippage = 50; double sl = 0, tp = 0; double BuyPrice = 0, SellPrice = 0; double lotsi = 0, mylotsi = 0; int mode = 0, myOrderType = 0; bool ContinueOpening = True; double LastPrice = 0; int PreviousOpenOrders = 0; double Profit = 0; int LastTicket = 0, LastType = 0,res; double LastClosePrice = 0, LastLots = 0; double Pivot = 0; double PipValue = 0; string text = "", text2 = ""; int ActiveOrders=0; double AllTP=0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---- To assign a unique Magic number for each Pair. MathSrand(MathCeil(Ask*100)); magic= MathRand(); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { //---- lotsi = Lots; //---- if(lotsi > 100) lotsi = 100; OpenOrders = 0; //---- for(cnt = 0; cnt < OrdersTotal(); cnt++) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); //---- if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) OpenOrders++; } //---- if(OpenOrders < 1) { ActiveOrders=0; if(TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) < StartHour) return(0); //---- if(TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) > EndHour) return(0); } //---- if(Symbol() == "EURUSD") PipValue = EURUSDPipValue; //---- if(Symbol() == "GBPUSD") PipValue = GBPUSDPipValue; //---- if(Symbol() == "USDJPY") PipValue = USDJPYPipValue; //---- if(Symbol() == "USDCHF") PipValue = USDCHFPipValue; //---- if(PipValue == 0) { PipValue = 5; } //---- if(PreviousOpenOrders > OpenOrders) for(cnt = OrdersTotal(); cnt >= 0; cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); mode = OrderType(); //---- if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { if(mode == OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), slippage, Green); //---- if(mode == OP_SELL) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), slippage, Green); return(0); } } PreviousOpenOrders = OpenOrders; //---- if(OpenOrders >= MaxTrades) ContinueOpening = False; else ContinueOpening = True; //---- if(LastPrice == 0) for(cnt = 0; cnt < OrdersTotal(); cnt++) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); mode = OrderType(); //---- if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { LastPrice = OrderOpenPrice(); //---- if(mode == OP_BUY) myOrderType = 2; //---- if(mode == OP_SELL) myOrderType = 1; } } //---- if(OpenOrders < 1) { myOrderType = 3; //---- double upBB=iBands(Symbol(),5,bb_period,bb_deviation,0,PRICE_OPEN,MODE_UPPER,bb_shift); double loBB=iBands(Symbol(),5,bb_period,bb_deviation,0,PRICE_OPEN,MODE_LOWER,bb_shift); int bar1=iBars(Symbol(),5); int bar2=iBars(Symbol(),15); int bar3=iBars(Symbol(),30); int bar4=iBars(Symbol(),60); datetime time=iTime(Symbol(),5,0); int shift1=iBarShift(Symbol(),5,time,true); int shift2=iBarShift(Symbol(),15,time,true); int shift3=iBarShift(Symbol(),30,time,true); int shift4=iBarShift(Symbol(),60,time,true); double RSI1 =iRSI(Symbol(),5,rsi_per,PRICE_TYPE,shift1); double RSI2 =iRSI(Symbol(),15,rsi_per,PRICE_TYPE,shift2); double RSI3 =iRSI(Symbol(),30,rsi_per,PRICE_TYPE,shift3); double RSI4 =iRSI(Symbol(),60,rsi_per,PRICE_TYPE,shift4); double mabela = iSAR(Symbol(), 5,step,maximum,shift1); double mabelb = iSAR(Symbol(), 15,step,maximum,shift2); double mabelc = iSAR(Symbol(), 30,step,maximum,shift3); //use all three signals if(use_rsi && use_bb && use_sar) // use all three signals { if(RSI1>50 && RSI2>50 && RSI3>50 && RSI4>50 && High[bb_shift]>=upBB && mabela< Low[0] && mabelb < Low[0] && mabelc < Low[0] ) myOrderType = 2; if(RSI1<50 && RSI2<50 && RSI3<50 && RSI4<50 && Low[bb_shift]<=loBB && mabela> High[0]&& mabelb > High[0]&& mabelc > High[0]) myOrderType = 1; } if(!use_rsi && use_bb && use_sar) // use both bba and sar { if( High[bb_shift]>=upBB && mabela< Low[0] && mabelb < Low[0] && mabelc < Low[0] ) myOrderType = 2; if( Low[bb_shift]<=loBB && mabela> High[0]&& mabelb > High[0]&& mabelc > High[0]) myOrderType = 1; } if(use_rsi && !use_bb && use_sar) // use both rsi and sar { if(RSI1>50 && RSI2>50 && RSI3>50 && RSI4>50 && mabela< Low[0] && mabelb < Low[0] && mabelc < Low[0] ) myOrderType = 2; if(RSI1<50 && RSI2<50 && RSI3<50 && RSI4<50 && mabela> High[0]&& mabelb > High[0]&& mabelc > High[0]) myOrderType = 1; } if(use_rsi && use_bb && !use_sar) // use both rsi and bb { if(RSI1>50 && RSI2>50 && RSI3>50 && RSI4>50 && High[bb_shift]>=upBB ) myOrderType = 2; if(RSI1<50 && RSI2<50 && RSI3<50 && RSI4<50 && Low[bb_shift]<=loBB ) myOrderType = 1; } else if(use_rsi && !use_bb && !use_sar) // use only rsi { if(RSI1>50 && RSI2>50 && RSI3>50 && RSI4>50) myOrderType = 2; if(RSI1<50 && RSI2<50 && RSI3<50 && RSI4<50) myOrderType = 1; } else if(!use_rsi && use_bb && !use_sar) // use only bb { if(High[bb_shift]>=upBB )myOrderType = 2; // return(buy); if(Low[bb_shift]<=loBB ) myOrderType = 1;// return(sell); } else if(!use_rsi && !use_bb && use_sar) // use only sar { if( mabela< Low[0] && mabelb < Low[0] && mabelc < Low[0] ) myOrderType = 2; if( mabela> High[0]&& mabelb > High[0]&& mabelc > High[0]) myOrderType = 1; } } // end of if... Profit = 0; LastTicket = 0; LastType = 0; LastClosePrice = 0; LastLots = 0; //---- for(cnt = 0; cnt < OrdersTotal(); cnt++) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); //---- if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { LastTicket = OrderTicket(); //---- if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) LastType = OP_BUY; //---- if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) LastType = OP_SELL; LastClosePrice = OrderClosePrice(); LastLots = OrderLots(); //---- if(LastType == OP_BUY) { if(OrderClosePrice() < OrderOpenPrice()) Profit = Profit - (OrderOpenPrice() - OrderClosePrice())*OrderLots() / Point; //---- if(OrderClosePrice() > OrderOpenPrice()) Profit = Profit + (OrderClosePrice() - OrderOpenPrice())*OrderLots() / Point; } //---- if(LastType==OP_SELL) { if(OrderClosePrice() > OrderOpenPrice()) Profit = Profit - (OrderClosePrice() - OrderOpenPrice())*OrderLots() / Point; //---- if(OrderClosePrice() < OrderOpenPrice()) Profit = Profit + (OrderOpenPrice() - OrderClosePrice())*OrderLots() / Point; } } } Profit = Profit*PipValue; text2 = "Profit: $" + DoubleToStr(Profit,2) + " +/-"; //---- // if(OpenOrders >= (MaxTrades - OrderstoProtect) && AccountProtection == 1) if(Profit >= SecureProfit) { OrderClose(LastTicket, LastLots, LastClosePrice, slippage, Yellow); ContinueOpening = False; return(0); } //---- if(myOrderType == 1 && ContinueOpening && (Long_Short|| Short_Only)) { if((Bid - LastPrice) >= Pips*Point || OpenOrders < 1) { SellPrice = Bid; LastPrice = 0; //---- if(TakeProfit == 0) tp = 0; else tp = SellPrice - TakeProfit*Point; //---- if(InitialStop == 0) sl = 0; else sl = SellPrice + InitialStop*Point; //---- if(OpenOrders >=2) { mylotsi = 2*mylotsi; //---- } else mylotsi=lotsi; //---- res=OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, mylotsi, SellPrice, slippage, sl, tp,"MTF EA Sell",magic, 0, Red); if (res < 0) mylotsi=mylotsi/2; // i.e if opening of order failed. else { ActiveOrders++; // increament open orders. if(ActiveOrders==1) AllTP=tp; else ModifyTP(tp); } return(0); } } if(myOrderType == 2 && ContinueOpening&& (Long_Short|| Long_Only)) { if((LastPrice-Ask) >= Pips*Point || OpenOrders < 1) { BuyPrice = Ask; LastPrice = 0; //---- if(TakeProfit == 0) tp = 0; else tp = BuyPrice + TakeProfit*Point; //---- if(InitialStop==0) sl = 0; else sl = BuyPrice - InitialStop*Point; //---- if(OpenOrders >=2) { mylotsi = 2*mylotsi; } else mylotsi = lotsi; //---- // if(mylotsi > 100) // mylotsi = 100; res=OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, mylotsi, BuyPrice, slippage, sl, tp, "MTF EA Buy", magic, 0,Blue); if (res < 0) mylotsi=mylotsi/2; // i.e if opening of order failed. else { ActiveOrders++; // increament open orders. if(ActiveOrders==1) AllTP=tp; else ModifyTP(tp); } return(0); } } //---- return(0); } void ModifyTP(double tp) { int cnt; // if we have opened positions we take care of them for(cnt =0;cnt <=OrdersTotal() ; cnt++) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); //---- if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic) { if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) if( OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(),tp, 1000, Purple)) Comment("\n\n\n\n MODIFYING ORDER........"); // return(0); } if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { if( OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(),OrderStopLoss(), tp, 1000, Purple))Comment("\n\n\n\n MODIFYING ORDER........"); // return(0); } } }// double dailyprofit() { int day=Day(); double res1=0,res2=0; for(int i=0; i<OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++) { OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY); if(OrderMagicNumber()!=magic) continue; if(TimeDay(OrderOpenTime())==day) res1+=OrderProfit(); } for(i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++) { OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber()!=magic) continue; if(TimeDay(OrderOpenTime())==day) res2+=OrderProfit(); } return(res1+res2); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //Calculates Lot Size based on balance and factor //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double Lot_Volume() { mylotsi=AccountBalance() * 0.01 /LotFactor ; return(mylotsi); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
    lefeuvr3 a joint une image
  • AnthonyC


    chez moi ça ne fonctionne pas, ni sous chrome, ni internet explorer, firefox...

    avez vous des suggestions pour que cela fonctionne.

    Merci d'avance
  • AliX — en réponse à AnthonyC dans son message #118369

    Oui merci, on nous l'a signalé on est dessus ^^
  • AnthonyC

    AliX, le 23/03/2020 dit :
    Oui merci, on nous l'a signalé on est dessus ^^

    ok super. Du coup c'est moi qui vous dis merci pour cet outil que vous mettez à disposition et aussi pour votre travail.
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