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  • lefeuvr3

    Get Lucky
    Prendre son pied

    Like the legend of the Phoenix
    All ends with beginnings
    What keeps the planet spinning, ah
    The force from the beginning
    Comme la légende du Phénix
    Tout fini avec ses débuts
    Qu'est-ce qui fait tourner la planète, ah
    C'est la force du commencement

    We've come too far to give up who we are
    So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars
    Nous sommes allés trop loin pour abandonner qui nous sommes
    Alors élevons le niveau et levons nos verres jusqu'aux étoiles

    //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| LUCKY LUKE.mq4 | //| QPG | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "QPG" #property link "" #property version "1.00" //#property strict //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| EURGBP ...30 MN | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ extern string mm="MONEY MANAGEMENT"; double GetLots; //lotsize extern double LotFactor = 2.8; //lotsize factor extern bool trail = true; extern double TrailingStop = 72; extern int StopLoss=1900; //stop loss extern int TakeProfit=64; //take profit extern double pips = 0.00001; //leave as default for 5 digit brokers extern int Slippage=3; extern string mn="MAGIC NUMBER"; extern int MagicNumber=20180807; //magic extern string bo="BOOSTER"; extern int adxthreshold = 33; //adx threshold - must be greater than this to trade extern int adxperiod = 25; //adx period extern int rsiperiod = 2; //rsi period extern int rsiupper = 100; //rsi upper bound, wont buy above this value extern int rsilower = 0; //rsi lower bound, wont sell below this value double a, b; bool first=true; extern int Shift = 12; extern int Limit = 5; extern int Pr_limit = 4; double TP=0,SL=0,TR; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hidden StopLoss Calculations | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void StpLoss() { double MyPoint=Point; if(Digits==3 || Digits==5) MyPoint=Point*10; TP=TakeProfit*MyPoint; SL=StopLoss*MyPoint; double OrdP=0,OrdTP=0,OrdSL=0; for(int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++) { if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) if(OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber && Symbol()==OrderSymbol()) { OrdP=OrderProfit()-MathAbs(OrderSwap())-MathAbs(OrderCommission()); OrdSL=(-1)*SL*OrderLots()*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)/Point; OrdTP=TP*OrderLots()*MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)/Point; if(OrdP>OrdTP || OrdP<OrdSL) { if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) bool OrdClP=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,Slippage,clrGreen); if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) bool OrdClL=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slippage,clrYellow); } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Trailing Stop | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void trail() { for (int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++) { if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) if ( OrderSymbol()==Symbol() ) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) { if (Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > TrailingStop * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT)) { if (OrderStopLoss() < Bid - TrailingStop * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT)) { bool modify1=OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - TrailingStop * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT), OrderTakeProfit(), Red); } } } else if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) { if (OrderOpenPrice() - Ask > TrailingStop * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT)) { if ((OrderStopLoss() > Ask + TrailingStop * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT)) || (OrderStopLoss() == 0)) { bool modify2=OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + TrailingStop * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT), OrderTakeProfit(), Red); } } } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert Initialization Function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---- //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert Deinitialization Function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert Start Function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { if (trail) trail(); double MyPoint=Point; if(Digits==3 || Digits==5) MyPoint=Point*10; //---- if(IsNewCandle()) { trenddirection(); //find trend direction logic(); //apply indicator logic Lot_Volume(); //calc lotsize buyorsell(); //trade - buy or sell return(0); } return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //Insuring its a New Candle Function //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool IsNewCandle() { static int BarsOnChart=0; if (Bars == BarsOnChart) return (false); BarsOnChart = Bars; return(true); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //Identifies the Direction of the Current Trend //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool trenddirection() { if (first) { a=Ask; b=Bid; first=false; return(0); } //---- if ( OrdersTotal() == 0 ) // Mathemat; no more than one opened order { if (b-Bid>=Shift*Point) { return(true); } if (Ask-a>=Shift*Point) a=Ask; b=Bid; CloseAll(); { return(false); } return(0); } return(0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CloseAll() { for (int cnt = OrdersTotal()-1 ; cnt >= 0; cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { // if ((OrderProfit()>0)) if( OrderProfit() > Pr_limit * OrderLots() * 10 ) // Mathemat (for EURUSD) { if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,3,CLR_NONE); if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,3,CLR_NONE); } else { if((OrderType()==OP_BUY) && (((OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)/Point) > Limit)) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,3,CLR_NONE); if((OrderType()==OP_SELL) && (((Bid-OrderOpenPrice())/Point) > Limit)) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,3,CLR_NONE); } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //Applies Logic from Indicators ADX and RSI to determine if we can trade //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int logic() { double adx,rsi; adx = iADX(Symbol(),0,adxperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0); rsi = iRSI(Symbol(),0,rsiperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,0); if(adx > adxthreshold) { if(rsi > rsilower && rsi < rsiupper) { return(1); } } return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //Opens Trades //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int buyorsell() { bool trenddirectionx, logicx; int TicketNumber; trenddirectionx = trenddirection(); logicx = logic(); if(OrdersTotal() == 0) { if(trenddirectionx == true && logicx == 1 ) { //buy TicketNumber = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,GetLots,Ask,3,Ask-(StopLoss*pips),Ask+(TakeProfit*pips),NULL,MagicNumber,0,Green); if( TicketNumber > 0 ) { Print("Order placed # ", TicketNumber); } else { Print("Order Send failed, error # ", GetLastError() ); } } } if(OrdersTotal() == 0) { if(trenddirectionx == false && logicx == 1 ) //sell { TicketNumber = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,GetLots,Bid,3,Bid+(StopLoss*pips),Bid-(TakeProfit*pips),NULL,MagicNumber,0,Red); if( TicketNumber > 0 ) { Print("Order placed # ", TicketNumber); } else { Print("Order Send failed, error # ", GetLastError() ); } } } return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //Calculates Lot Size based on balance and factor //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double Lot_Volume() { double lot; if (AccountBalance()>=50) lot=0.02; if (AccountBalance()>=75) lot=0.03; if (AccountBalance()>=100) lot=0.04; if (AccountBalance()>=125) lot=0.05; if (AccountBalance()>=150) lot=0.06; if (AccountBalance()>=175) lot=0.07; if (AccountBalance()>=200) lot=0.08; if (AccountBalance()>=225) lot=0.09; if (AccountBalance()>=250) lot=0.1; if (AccountBalance()>=275) lot=0.11; if (AccountBalance()>=300) lot=0.12; if (AccountBalance()>=325) lot=0.13; if (AccountBalance()>=350) lot=0.14; if (AccountBalance()>=375) lot=0.15; if (AccountBalance()>=400) lot=0.16; if (AccountBalance()>=425) lot=0.17; if (AccountBalance()>=450) lot=0.18; if (AccountBalance()>=475) lot=0.19; if (AccountBalance()>=500) lot=0.2; if (AccountBalance()>=525) lot=0.21; if (AccountBalance()>=550) lot=0.22; if (AccountBalance()>=575) lot=0.23; if (AccountBalance()>=600) lot=0.24; if (AccountBalance()>=625) lot=0.25; if (AccountBalance()>=650) lot=0.26; if (AccountBalance()>=675) lot=0.27; if (AccountBalance()>=700) lot=0.28; if (AccountBalance()>=725) lot=0.29; if (AccountBalance()>=750) lot=0.30; if (AccountBalance()>=800) lot=0.32; if (AccountBalance()>=825) lot=0.33; if (AccountBalance()>=850) lot=0.34; if (AccountBalance()>=875) lot=0.35; if (AccountBalance()>=900) lot=0.36; if (AccountBalance()>=925) lot=0.37; if (AccountBalance()>=950) lot=0.38; if (AccountBalance()>=975) lot=0.39; if (AccountBalance()>=1000) lot=0.4; if (AccountBalance()>=1025) lot=0.41; if (AccountBalance()>=1050) lot=0.42; if (AccountBalance()>=1075) lot=0.43; if (AccountBalance()>=1100) lot=0.44; if (AccountBalance()>=1125) lot=0.45; if (AccountBalance()>=1150) lot=0.46; if (AccountBalance()>=1175) lot=0.47; if (AccountBalance()>=1200) lot=0.48; if (AccountBalance()>=1225) lot=0.49; if (AccountBalance()>=1250) lot=0.5; if (AccountBalance()>=1275) lot=0.51; if (AccountBalance()>=1300) lot=0.52; if (AccountBalance()>=1325) lot=0.53; if (AccountBalance()>=1350) lot=0.54; if (AccountBalance()>=1350) lot=0.55; if (AccountBalance()>=1400) lot=0.56; if (AccountBalance()>=1450) lot=0.58; if (AccountBalance()>=1500) lot=0.6; if (AccountBalance()>=1550) lot=0.62; if (AccountBalance()>=1600) lot=0.64; if (AccountBalance()>=1650) lot=0.66; if (AccountBalance()>=1700) lot=0.68; if (AccountBalance()>=1750) lot=0.7; if (AccountBalance()>=1800) lot=0.72; if (AccountBalance()>=1850) lot=0.74; if (AccountBalance()>=1900) lot=0.76; if (AccountBalance()>=1950) lot=0.78; if (AccountBalance()>=2000) lot=0.8; if (AccountBalance()>=2025) lot=0.81; if (AccountBalance()>=2050) lot=0.82; if (AccountBalance()>=2075) lot=0.83; if (AccountBalance()>=2100) lot=0.84; if (AccountBalance()>=2150) lot=0.86; if (AccountBalance()>=2175) lot=0.87; if (AccountBalance()>=2200) lot=0.88; if (AccountBalance()>=2225) lot=0.89; if (AccountBalance()>=2250) lot=0.9; if (AccountBalance()>=2275) lot=0.91; if (AccountBalance()>=2300) lot=0.92; if (AccountBalance()>=2350) lot=0.94; if (AccountBalance()>=2400) lot=0.96; if (AccountBalance()>=2450) lot=0.98; if (AccountBalance()>=2500) lot=1.0; if (AccountBalance()>=2550) lot=1.02; if (AccountBalance()>=2600) lot=1.04; if (AccountBalance()>=2700) lot=1.08; if (AccountBalance()>=2800) lot=1.12; if (AccountBalance()>=2900) lot=0.16; if (AccountBalance()>=3000) lot=1.2; if (AccountBalance()>=3100) lot=1.24; if (AccountBalance()>=3200) lot=1.28; if (AccountBalance()>=3300) lot=1.32; if (AccountBalance()>=3400) lot=1.36; if (AccountBalance()>=3500) lot=1.4; if (AccountBalance()>=4000) lot=1.6; if (AccountBalance()>=4500) lot=1.8; if (AccountBalance()>=5000) lot=2.0; if (AccountBalance()>=5500) lot=2.2; if (AccountBalance()>=6000) lot=2.4; if (AccountBalance()>=6500) lot=2.6; if (AccountBalance()>=7000) lot=2.8; if (AccountBalance()>=7500) lot=3; if (AccountBalance()>=8000) lot=3.2; if (AccountBalance()>=8500) lot=3.4; if (AccountBalance()>=9000) lot=3.6; if (AccountBalance()>=9500) lot=3.8; if (AccountBalance()>=10000) lot=4.0; if (AccountBalance()>=10100) lot=4.04; if (AccountBalance()>=10200) lot=4.08; if (AccountBalance()>=10300) lot=4.12; if (AccountBalance()>=10400) lot=4.16; if (AccountBalance()>=10500) lot=4.2; if (AccountBalance()>=10600) lot=4.26; if (AccountBalance()>=10700) lot=4.3; if (AccountBalance()>=10800) lot=4.34; if (AccountBalance()>=10900) lot=4.38; if (AccountBalance()>=11000) lot=4.4; if (AccountBalance()>=12000) lot=4.8; if (AccountBalance()>=13000) lot=5.2; if (AccountBalance()>=14000) lot=5.6; if (AccountBalance()>=15000) lot=6.0; if (AccountBalance()>=20000) lot=8.0; if (AccountBalance()>=30000) lot=12; if (AccountBalance()>=40000) lot=16; if (AccountBalance()>=50000) lot=20; if (AccountBalance()>=60000) lot=24; if (AccountBalance()>=70000) lot=28; if (AccountBalance()>=80000) lot=32; if (AccountBalance()>=90000) lot=36; if (AccountBalance()>=100000) lot=40; if (AccountBalance()>=200000) lot=80; GetLots=lot/LotFactor; return(GetLots); }
    Modifié le 2018-08-24 20:38:17 par lefeuvr3
    lefeuvr3 a joint une image