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L'EA PIPTRONIC gratuitement !

  • forcizen

    bonjour je vous présente l'EA PIPTRONIC qui a fait tourné 20k en 100k en 11 mois

    le backtest :
    /* Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.220.2c [] Website: E-mail : [email protected] */ extern string _d0 = "Piptronic 1.0"; extern double Lots = 3.0; int gi_92 = 18; extern int TakeProfit = 13; extern int StopLoss = 46; int gi_104 = 1; extern bool N0S = TRUE; extern string _d7 = "Keep MoneyManager off unless you want you plan on long term profits."; extern bool MoneyManager = FALSE; int gi_124 = 10; extern int MagicNumber = 90384; int g_pos_132; int g_error_136; int g_spread_140; int gi_144; int g_leverage_148; int g_hour_152; int gi_156; int gi_160; bool gi_164 = FALSE; bool gi_168 = FALSE; bool gi_172 = FALSE; double gd_176; double gd_184; double gd_192; double gd_200; double gd_208; double g_lots_216; int g_datetime_224; string g_comment_228 = "Piptronic"; string gs_dummy_236; string gs_dummy_244; string g_text_252; string gs_unused_260; int gia_268[300]; string gsa_272[4207]; int init() { g_leverage_148 = AccountLeverage(); InitErrorArray(); g_spread_140 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD); gd_192 = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP), 2); gd_200 = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT), 2); gd_208 = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT), 2); if (gd_192 == 0.01) gi_144 = 2; else gi_144 = 1; return (0); } int deinit() { ObjectDelete("Comment"); ObjectDelete("Comment2"); return (0); } int start() { gi_164 = FALSE; gi_168 = FALSE; gi_172 = FALSE; int li_0 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL); if (TakeProfit < li_0) TakeProfit = li_0; g_hour_152 = Hour(); if (StopLoss < li_0) StopLoss = li_0; int li_4 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD); if (!N0S) { gi_156 = gia_268[250] + 1; gi_160 = gia_268[120] - 4; } else { gi_156 = gia_268[250] - 1; gi_160 = gia_268[120] - 2; } if (g_hour_152 >= gi_156 || g_hour_152 <= gi_160) gi_172 = TRUE; gd_176 = High[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, gi_92, 1)]; gd_184 = Low[iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, gi_92, 1)]; if (gd_184 - Bid == 0.0) gi_164 = TRUE; if (Bid - gd_176 == 0.0) gi_168 = TRUE; if (!MoneyManager) g_lots_216 = Lots; else g_lots_216 = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() * gi_124 / 100000.0 / (g_leverage_148 / 100), gi_144); if (IsConnected()) { if (IsDemo()) gs_unused_260 = "Demo"; else gs_unused_260 = "Real"; ObjectCreate("Comment", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 1.0); ObjectSet("Comment", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0); ObjectSet("Comment", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 3); ObjectSet("Comment", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15); g_text_252 = "Copyright (Piptronic 1.0"; ObjectSetText("Comment", g_text_252, 9, "Arial", Red); ObjectSet("Comment", OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, NULL); ObjectSet("Comment", OBJPROP_BACK, FALSE); } else ObjectDelete("Comment"); for (g_pos_132 = 0; g_pos_132 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_132++) { if (OrderSelect(g_pos_132, SELECT_BY_POS)) { if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) if ((gi_104 > 0 && Close[0] - OrderOpenPrice() >= (gi_104 + li_4) * Point) || TimeCurrent() - OrderOpenTime() >= 60 * (Period() * StopLoss)) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, g_spread_140, Blue); if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) if ((gi_104 > 0 && OrderOpenPrice() - Close[0] >= (gi_104 + li_4) * Point) || TimeCurrent() - OrderOpenTime() >= 60 * (Period() * StopLoss)) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, g_spread_140, Red); } } } if (gi_164 && gi_172 && IsTradeAllowed() && AccountFreeMarginCheck(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_216) > 0.0 && SymbolOrders() < 1 && TimeCurrent() - g_datetime_224 >= 60 * Period()) { for (g_pos_132 = 0; g_pos_132 <= 1; g_pos_132++) { RefreshRates(); OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_216, Ask, g_spread_140, Bid - StopLoss * Point, Ask + TakeProfit * Point, g_comment_228, MagicNumber, 0, Blue); g_error_136 = GetLastError(); if (g_error_136 == 0/* NO_ERROR */) { g_datetime_224 = TimeCurrent(); break; } Print("Trial ¹", g_pos_132 + 1, "- Error Opening: ", PrintError(g_error_136)); } } if (gi_168 && gi_172 && IsTradeAllowed() && AccountFreeMarginCheck(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_216) > 0.0 && SymbolOrders() < 1 && TimeCurrent() - g_datetime_224 >= 60 * Period()) { for (g_pos_132 = 0; g_pos_132 <= 1; g_pos_132++) { RefreshRates(); OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_216, Bid, g_spread_140, Ask + StopLoss * Point, Bid - TakeProfit * Point, g_comment_228, MagicNumber, 0, Red); g_error_136 = GetLastError(); if (g_error_136 == 0/* NO_ERROR */) { g_datetime_224 = TimeCurrent(); break; } Print("Trial ¹", g_pos_132 + 1, "- Error opening: ", PrintError(g_error_136)); } } return (0); } int SymbolOrders() { int li_ret_0; for (int l_pos_4 = 0; l_pos_4 < OrdersTotal(); l_pos_4++) { if (OrderSelect(l_pos_4, SELECT_BY_POS)) { if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) li_ret_0++; } } return (li_ret_0); } string PrintError(int ai_0) { return (gsa_272[ai_0]); } void InitErrorArray() { gsa_272[0] = "No errors"; gsa_272[1] = "No errors, but the result is unknown"; gsa_272[2] = "total error"; gsa_272[3] = "Invalid parameters"; gsa_272[4] = "server busy shopping"; gsa_272[5] = "The old version of the client terminal"; gsa_272[6] = "No connection with commercial service"; gsa_272[7] = "not enough rights"; gsa_272[8] = "Too often requests"; gsa_272[9] = "Invalid operation disrupt the server"; gsa_272[64] = "blocked account"; gsa_272[65] = "Invalid account number"; gsa_272[128] = "Expired expectations of the transaction"; gsa_272[129] = "Invalid value"; gsa_272[130] = "Wrong Foot"; gia_268[120] = 5; gsa_272[131] = "Invalid volume"; gsa_272[132] = "The market is closed"; gsa_272[133] = "Trade is prohibited"; gsa_272[134] = "Not enough money for the transaction"; gsa_272[135] = "Price changed"; gsa_272[136] = "No price"; gsa_272[137] = "The broker is busy"; gsa_272[138] = "New prices"; gia_268[250] = 21; gsa_272[139] = "Order has been blocked and processed"; gsa_272[140] = "Only buy"; gsa_272[141] = "Too many bugs"; gsa_272[145] = "Modification is prohibited, as well as the warrant is too close to the market"; gsa_272[146] = "subsystem busy trade"; gsa_272[147] = "Use of the expiry of the warrant is prohibited broker"; gsa_272[148] = "The number of open and pending orders had reached the limit set by the broker"; gsa_272[4000] = "No errors"; gsa_272[4001] = "Invalid pointer function"; gsa_272[4002] = "index of the array - is out of range"; gsa_272[4003] = "No memory for the stack functions"; gsa_272[4004] = "Stack after recursive call"; gsa_272[4005] = "The stack has no memory for settings"; gsa_272[4006] = "No memory for the string value"; gsa_272[4007] = "No memory for a temporary line"; gsa_272[4008] = "Neinitsializirovannaya line"; gsa_272[4009] = "Neinitsializirovannaya line in the array"; gsa_272[4010] = "No memory for the string array"; gsa_272[4011] = "Too long line"; gsa_272[4012] = "The balance of dividing by zero"; gsa_272[4013] = "division by zero "; gsa_272[4014] = "Neizvestnaya team"; gsa_272[4015] = "Bad move"; gsa_272[4016] = "uninitialized array"; gsa_272[4017] = "Call DLL is not permitted"; gsa_272[4018] = "Can not load library"; gsa_272[4019] = "You can not call"; gsa_272[4020] = "Challenge external library functions are not allowed"; gsa_272[4021] = "Not enough memory to the line, recovery of function"; gsa_272[4022] = "System busy"; gsa_272[4050] = "Wrong number of parameters of the function"; gsa_272[4051] = "Invalid value of the function"; gsa_272[4052] = "Internal error string function"; gsa_272[4053] = "Error Array"; gsa_272[4054] = "Misuse of solid-taymserii"; gsa_272[4055] = "Error custom indicator"; gsa_272[4056] = "Arrays are incompatible"; gsa_272[4057] = "Error processing globalnyeh variables"; gsa_272[4058] = "A global variable is not detected"; gsa_272[4059] = "function is not permitted in test mode"; gsa_272[4060] = "function is not permitted"; gsa_272[4061] = "Error sending"; gsa_272[4062] = "expected value of type string"; gsa_272[4063] = "expected value of type integer"; gsa_272[4064] = "parameter type is expected to double"; gsa_272[4065] = "An option is expected to range"; gsa_272[4066] = "The requested historical data in a position to update"; gsa_272[4067] = "Error executing trading transactions"; gsa_272[4099] = "End of File"; gsa_272[4100] = "Error in a file"; gsa_272[4101] = "Invalid filename"; gsa_272[4102] = "Too many open files"; gsa_272[4103] = "Can not open file"; gsa_272[4104] = "Incompatible mode of access to the file"; gsa_272[4105] = "No warrant is not selected"; gsa_272[4106] = "unknown character"; gsa_272[4107] = "Invalid setting prices for commercial functions"; gsa_272[4108] = "Wrong number Ticket"; gsa_272[4109] = "Trade is not allowed. It is necessary to enable the option Allow an adviser to trade in the properties of an expert"; gsa_272[4110] = "Long positions are not allowed. You should check the properties of an expert"; gsa_272[4111] = "Short positions are not allowed. You should check the properties of an expert"; gsa_272[4200] = "Object already there"; gsa_272[4201] = "Requested an unknown object properties"; gsa_272[4202] = "Object does not exist "; gsa_272[4203] = "Unknown type of object"; gsa_272[4204] = "None of the facility"; gsa_272[4205] = "Error coordinates"; gsa_272[4206] = "Not Found specified subwindow"; gsa_272[4207] = "Error with the object"; }
    Déguster le :)
    Modifié le 2012-08-31 15:40:28 par Lu-K : balises code
  • forcizen

    c'est sur la boite :
    [email protected]
    mot de passe: forexagone2012
  • Amin

    Merci à toi pour ce partage !
  • belgam

    Merci pour le partage, encore une fois ;)

    Tu as un preset à utiliser ? ou par défaut ?
  • forcizen — en réponse à belgam dans son message #57081

    avec plaisir espérant que ça va marcher cette fois ci
    c'est par défaut M15, sur EUR GBP !
  • Zoasis

    Yes merci forcizen, je vais fouiller un peut pour voir si je trouve quelques retour sur cet EA.
  • furynick

    pipo, je viens de passer un backtest par an sur les 3 dernières années avec les paramètres du rapport : pas un seul bénef !
  • forcizen — en réponse à furynick dans son message #57089

    furynick, le 31/08/2012 dit :
    pipo, je viens de passer un backtest par an sur les 3 dernières années avec les paramètres du rapport : pas un seul bénef !

    Tu peux me poster le backtest
    [email protected]
    mot de passe: forexagone2012

    et merci !
  • belgam

    Je viens de passer un backtest sur 1an..Il plonge.

    Par contre de 1999 à maintenant, il s'envole....bizarre.
  • seven123456789 — en réponse à belgam dans son message #57120

    C'est parce que sur un an tes données sont plus précises et donc plus proches de la réalité. A l'inverse de tes données qui remontent jusqu'en 1999
  • wimz01

    Cet EA à fait des profits pendant une période mais ne correspond plus du tout au marché actuellement.