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Les riches encore plus riches en 2013

L’agence Bloomberg qui établit chaque année le classement des personnalités les plus riches du monde au même titre que Forbes, déclare qu’en 2013 les individus les plus aisés ont été encore plus riches, la fortune globale des 300 individus les plus riches au monde aurait été croissante de 500 milliards de dollars sur cette période, de nombreux analystes prévoient un scénario similaire en ce qui concerne 2014.
3.700 milliards de dollars, c’est la somme que représente la fortune des 300 plus importantes fortunes du monde ce qui est approximativement égal à 1,5 fois le PIB de la France, le fondateur du groupe Microsoft, Bill Gates regagne le trône d’homme le plus riche du monde avec une fortune de 78,1 milliards de dollars ceci en partie dû à la bonne année du groupe sur les marché financiers. Le mexicains Carlos Slim, magnat de la télécommunication qui occupait auparavant figure désormais au second rang du classement derrière qui se trouve Armando Ortega, l’européen le plus riche, propriétaire Inditex maison mère de la marque de prêt à porter Zara. A l’échelle française c’est Liliane Bettencourt qui reste la personnalité la plus riche avec une fortune estimée à 33,4 milliards de dollars et figure également en 15ème position du classement mondial.
De manière générale les fortunes ont émergé en 2013 du milieu de l’internet et des nouvelles technologies alors qu’à l’inverse le secteur minier affiche de moins en moins de fortunes étant donné que le cycle haussier des matières premières qui semble toucher à sa fin. 

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  1. Dear benefactor: As the Bible has said: who gives to the poor lend to God, My real desire is to help street children,orphans , people in difficult situations or build a social center for the poor and make them happy poor families.When looking around the world there is too much suffering that assail human beings.I beg you to pay a real attention to my message and hope to find a person of good faith who can donate for me for the good use of its funds, For this fact you must have the opportunity to help without hindsight for the people who are in difficulties to be able to testify the power of God and of Christ, that the Lord almighty fills you with his wisdom. when unprecedented destiny is about making you a person filled with good deeds and good deeds, you can not turn your back on him. No, you can not refuse him the right reward of the Lord, the Lord sees in you a good person who knows the distress and suffering of others.The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord makes his face shine on you and be generous with you, the Lord turns his face to you and gives you peace. Thank you Sir.

  2. Dear Sir / Madam, How do I want funds to help these poor people? I do it but I need the help of anyone to carry out a project to help the poor and needy of Moroc. I am on your way. I like to spend your money on the poor. You are the owners of charity and God loves you. You help the poor, the needy, and all people, and the Lord does not forget the humanitarian work you do. I help the poor, I also like to do good. God advises us to do good, alms and good. I really need your help and it will benefit the needy, I want to build a humanitarian project. What shocks me is that we have a lot of beggars in the area where I live, I have a lot of kindness and tenderness towards them, I really need a donor to support me, this donation can allow me to carry out the work satisfactorily. First and foremost, it is important that we build a foundation of trust between you and me to carry out this project. God will reward your reward. Thank you very much, Mr / Mrs, with my sincere wishes

  3. Dear Sir / Madam, How do I want funds to help these poor people? I do it but I need the help of anyone to carry out a project to help the poor and needy of Moroc. I am on your way. I like to spend your money on the poor. You are the owners of charity and God loves you. You help the poor, the needy, and all people, and the Lord does not forget the humanitarian work you do. I help the poor, I also like to do good. God advises us to do good, alms and good. I really need your help and it will benefit the needy, I want to build a humanitarian project. What shocks me is that we have a lot of beggars in the area where I live, I have a lot of kindness and tenderness towards them, I really need a donor to support me, this donation can allow me to carry out the work satisfactorily. First and foremost, it is important that we build a foundation of trust between you and me to carry out this project. God will reward your reward. Thank you very much, Mr / Mrs, with my sincere wishes

  4. ce dont j'aimerais savoir en terme de Valeur actualisée nette ont-ils dépassé des tycoons tels que john rockeffeller, jay gould, andrew carnegie et j'en passe?........ surtout quand je pense qu"un mec comme bill gates une richesse dépassant de 7 fois le pib de mon pays

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